Mixing novices and experts?

Yesterday a topic in the Daily impressed me.
“One aspect of connectivism is the mixing of novice and expert in the same environment. All very well (says Stephen), but this can become very irritating for the expert”
I think this aspect is one of the most important in Connectivism, especially in order to be considered a learning theory.
How, in fact, could we consider connectivism a learning theory, if the learning environment was made only by experts? It would be a sharing of knowledge, not a theory of learning, which should suit to everyone, and not only to those who already know. I have not yet read the readings this week on the difference between networks and groups, and therefore this is only a sensation, but I believe that a body of experts only could be defined more group than network.
A minimum of prior Knowledge is needed,of course, particularly prior skills, i.e. the ability to interact with a computer-mediated environment.

An environment that mixes novices and experts cannot be “irritating” for experts who experience connectivism. Because it gives them the chance to try out its effectiveness.
Stephen says: “
The ability to draw distinctions between important and unimportant information is vital. The ability to recognize when new information alters the landscape based on decisions made yesterday is also critical.”
And “Decision-making is itself a learning process”. So, all this can be done only in a mixed environment..

Using a good metaphor I read, a connectivism environment properly must mix fishes in the water and fishes out of water. The last ones will soon learn to swim…


ruthdemitroff ha detto…
Life is a mixing of novices and experts. To be an expert requires extreme focus on one or two topics. Most people are better off having a broad range of general knowledge - how to cook, repair their broken stuff, keep themselves healthy, organize their environment, have work skills, etc. For most people, creating social networks online and knowing learning theory adds a couple of tools to their toolbox of useful skills. I've studied the basics of learning theory in several contexts because all jobs require the passing of information from the one who knows to the one who needs to know. Yesterday I needed to know the meaning of "in meliorem partem". I sent an email to someone studying Theology at Princeton who forwarded it to someone with more expertise in Latin and I received an explanation of "in meliorem partem", "in perjorem partem" and "in optimam partem". Experts who resent teaching and learning with novices are tall trees with small roots - the whole educational system is built upon the medieval tradition of masters and apprentices working together. I think on graduation day, they must have been asleep and missed what convocation is all about.
lin armstrong ha detto…
I have launched a project with students and used the technology of blogs .Wow! I am blown away by the stuff the students find and can now teach me about teaching and learning in other countries. Sometimes the expert is only expert in a tiny way. Tryhttp://jensnapes.blogspot.com/ to see how connectivism can turn on learners....Kindest regards Lin Armstrong

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