Magritte and Connectivism

I'm going to write as soon as possibible my first short paper about my opinions on Connectivism. Meanwhile only a picture which , in a provocative way, describes my feelings better than my poor English words...
is'nt CCK08a course?
is not Connectivism a learning theory?


ruthdemitroff ha detto…
I am happy to meet an expert in Latin. Sometimes scholarly papers include Latin phrases I do not understand. Usually when I put them into google, I am directed to Vatican writings that are all in Latin when I just want to have a translation of a Latin phrase into English. The Latin to English dictionary does not work because it gives the meaning of each word not the meaning for a specific academic discipline. You are an important part of the pipe because you are an expert in Latin and most of us are below the beginner level in Latin and sometimes need to understand a Latin phrase included in an English scholarly paper.

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